Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Geometry - 3D shapes

Geometry Learning Intentions

Stage 2
Geometry Learning Intention
I am learning to recognise and describe 3D shapes using mathematical language.

Success Criteria
I know I will be successful when I:
identify 3D objects
sort 3D objects into categories
explain what faces, edges and corners are
describe faces, edges and corners of 3D objects

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Subtraction Maths Goal

My Maths goal

I am learning to learn more about subtracting.

Success Criteria
I know I will be successful when I
· use the reversing strategy when it is the easiest way
· explore the equal addition strategy and explain why it works so well in some subtraction problems

· explain my thinking with equipment, an empty number line, and mental strategies

Monday, 5 August 2013

Sleeping Princess

The Sleeping Princess
Once upon a time long long time ago there were two princesses, one was called princess Kally and the other one was called princess Sally. Princess Kally was the older one, princess Sally was the younger one.

After a few months they had a younger brother. The princesses were grateful about having another member in their family. However, as the years went by, the princesses noticed a change in their brother; they noticed that he was acting rather evil. For example, he would rip their homework up and once they caught him shredding their father’s important papers.

One day while their brother  was out at  a  party, the princesses went to their parents to tell them what was happening. As soon as they got there and told their mum and dad what was going on, their mum and dad just said they were just being dramatic and that they were leaving to go to the shops.

The princesses decided to have a look in their brother’s room but when they got there, they could not see anything suspicious. Perhaps he could have hidden the things?

When their mum and dad came back to the huge castle, the princesses told them that they were going outside to skip. Their mum and dad were confused because they knew that the girls thought it was babyish but they agreed. After they had gone skipping their brother was already home. The princesses went into their brother’s room again but this time their brother was inside and he said’“You always get more appreciated than me ,but now I will kill you!”

“NO” screamed princess Sally in fright.

“Alright, but I will put you both in a deep sleep.”

But before princess Sally could say anything else, she was fast asleep.

‘Don’t worry,” princess Kally whispered. “I’ll help you.”

Princess Kally rushed outside to find someone to help her. She ran and ran until she found an old dusty box. “I wonder what is in this box?” she said, but when princess Kally opened the box a fairy popped out. “I’m Rally and I will grant you three wishes if you promise you will use them for good”.

I promise” said princess Kally.

“Alright, what is your first wish?”

“I wish princess Sally awakes” said princess Kally.

With a sudden BOOM princess Sally was standing next to princess Kally.

“My next wish is that our brother is appreciated the same way as us and my last wish is to have world peace.”  The fairy said, “all you have wished for has come true; have a nice day.”

When they got home, everyone was waiting by the door and they all lived happily ever after.

                          The End

Friday, 21 June 2013

In The Beginning - Rongo Art

Rongo is God of peace and agriculture.  
I found some adjectives to describe him and I published these on Comic Life.
I enjoyed doing this work because I really liked the art and think it looks good.  

My Self-Portrait

When we went to Te Tuhi I was really excited and I was looking forward to this for a long time.  First I thought that I wouldn't be very good at it and that I would make a mess but I kept on trying and I think I did a good job.  

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

My multiplication learning.

My Multiplication goal

I am learning to solve multiplication problems by using arrays and my doubles and halves knowledge.

Success Criteria

·       I can recognise the connection between repeated addition and multiplication
·       I can create an array for a multiplication problem
·       I can use an array to solve harder multiplication problems
·       I can use my doubles and halves to solve harder multiplication problems

What am I? poem

In this piece of work I was learning to choose a animal and describe it at first I kept making it to easy than I kept making it to hard! but I kept on trying then when I just thought it was imposible I did it...YAY

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

What I have learnt about Lions...

My Reading Reflection
In this piece of work I have been learning to find and summarise information by choosing the most important information in a text.   I think I did my facts page well because I put important facts in it.   I think that I need to improve setting out my page.   I think next time I need to work on describing Lions more.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

My fractions goal.

This is my fractions goal.

Stage 4
I am learning to find halves, quarters, fifths and thirds of sets and shapes.
I know that I can do this when:
I can share sets or shapes into halves, quarters, fifths and thirds of sets and shapes.
I can write and read the symbol for each fraction

My Maths Reflection
I have been learning to find halves, quarters, thirds and fifths of shapes.
I found this tricky because I could not do it at first but then when I worked with materials I got better.  I am still learning to make a tweflth and then share it between people.
My next step is to keep working towards finding fractions of shapes.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

haiku poem

                                                           This is my haiku poem.